I Know a Shortcut
42×44″ (ish?)
Improvisationally machine pieced, walking foot and hand quilted. Commercial and hand-dyed fabrics.

A Loud and Vibrating Thing
Machine pieced, walking foot quilted. Commercial fabrics. Includes twelve block patterns from the Modern Quilt Guild’s Block Studies (CJMQG’s 2021 quiltalong). Overall composition my own.

Second Spring
Guild swap gift. Improvisationally machine pieced, free motion quilted. Commercial and hand dyed fabrics.

Please Have a Seat
Improvisationally machine pieced, walking foot quilted. Commercial and hand dyed fabrics. Blocks from the CJMQG 2019 Improv QAL.

Gandalf quilt
Gift for my husband’s 40th birthday. Foundation paper pieced, traditional machine pieced, walking foot and free motion quilted. Commercial and hand dyed fabrics. Free FPP patterns, own layout. Most blocks are from Fandom In Stitches.

Improvisationally machine pieced, walking foot and free motion quilted. Commercial and hand dyed fabrics. For the CJMQG 2019 holiday swap.

Alice’s Quilt
Machine pieced, walking foot quilted. Commercial and hand dyed fabrics. From Patchwork City by Elizabeth Hartman, which we used for the CJMQG 2016 QAL. Given to my daughter for her 5th birthday.

Darren’s Quilt
Machine and foundation paper pieced, walking foot quilted. Commercial fabrics plus one colored by Alice. FPP economy blocks from an Alex Anderson book. Given to my nephew for his first birthday.

Machine pieced, hand appliquéd, free motion quilted, hand embellished. Commercial and hand dyed fabrics. Made for a song lyric challenge from CJMQG. “Peonies nod in the breeze and while they wetly bow in hydrocephalitic listlessness ants mop up their brow” and “Pa pointed out to me for the hundredth time tonight the way the ladle leads to a dirt red bullet of light,” from “Emily” by Joanna Newsom

Purple Hamilton
Foundation paper pieced, free motion quilted. Commercial and hand dyed fabrics. A tiny piece for a CJMQG gift swap.

Crayon Box
Machine pieced, walking foot quilted. Commercial fabrics. CJMQG crayon challenge – make a quilt with three colors pulled randomly from a bag of crayons.

CJMQG Birthday Cake
12″ circumference
Machine pieced and quilted. Commercial fabrics, wool felt, peltex, polyfil. CJMQG challenge to make something with the guild logo colors.

Iceland: Lava
Improvisationally pieced. Free motion quilted. Commercial and hand dyed fabrics. Faced.

Minimalist Bowie
Foundation paper pieced, walking foot quilted. Commercial and hand dyed fabrics.

Iceland: Glacier
Improvisationally pieced, walking foot quilted. Commercial an hand dyed fabrics.